Saturday, August 1, 2020

With God, all things are possible!

NIV Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God, all things are possible with God."

"I just can't." said Sally, a friend who is suffering from overweight. When she told us that she can't resist "the temptation of eating unhealthy junk food and not working out regularly, one of my friend told her a bible story. In old testament, God asked Moses to lead His people out of Egypt to Canaan. Moses separated the red sea and let the Israelite went through the sea on dry ground. Like what has been said in NIV Mark 10:27 "Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but not with God, all things are possible with God." With God, everything is possible.

My friend continued to encourage Sally to leave the thought of 
"Can't do" and pray for her that God will be with her and fight for her during the "lose weight" journey. Sally started to jog for 15 minutes every morning and ate healthy food as meals. Sometimes she failed to keep this as habit, but my friend kept on sending her daily verse and bible story to encourage her. Finally, Sally lose 20 pounds in 3 months. Thanks God's blessing on Sally, she is much healthier than before. 

Dear Lord, thank you for your love on us. We know that we are weak and can't do everything on earth. But you said with you, everything is possible. Give us courage and strength to accomplish what you want us to do. Amen!

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