Friday, August 21, 2020

Obey God's command and repent to Him if you do not.

NIV Genesis 3:11 And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?"

God created Adam and Eve at the very beginning, He let the couple live in the Garden of Eden. However, Eve was lured by the snake and ate the forbidden fruit. NIV Genesis 3:11 "And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?", God could not find Adam because they are hiding themselves from God. I think we are all familiar with the result of this bible story, the couple have been punished by God and expelled from the Garden of Eden. 

After sinning against God, we used to escape from God because guilt forced us to stay away from God. As time goes by, we can't remain calm and undaunted. Our relationship with God have been destroyed by sin and we have lost the chance to live in the Garden of Eden. If you have done something wrong that makes God upset, do repent and turn to Him immediately. Fixing the relationship with God is much better than slipping away and seek others' help. 

Father, thank you for forgiving our sins. We know that you are good to us all the time and all of your commands are for our own good. Forgive us for offending you for our pursue of interests in lives. Let us come closer to you today. Amen!

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