Thursday, August 6, 2020

Cherish your life!

NIV Luke 12:25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life.

Taking supplements, getting regular exercise and eating healthy are some of the methods to maintain our health. Even though some of us take extra precautions to extend our longevity and work one's tail off, by the time they finally realize that the length of their lives is beyond their control, they will know what is really meant to them. NIV Luke12:25 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life.", Luke taught us life is important than all other stuffs in the world.

NIV Ecclesiastes 6:12 "Life is short and meaningless, and it fades away like a shadow. Who knows what is best for us? Who knows what will happen after we are gone?" Like what the author said, life is short and it fades away like a shadow. We need to cherish every moment and live for God. Doing something to glorify His name and preach His gospel!

Lord, thank you for blessing us to live on the earth. We can enjoy everything due to your love and mercy and us. Teach us to lead and cherish a meaningful life. Amen!

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