Sunday, September 6, 2020

Seeking Godly wisdom!

NIV Proverbs 2:8 For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.

After building the temple of the Lord, God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wants God to give him. Solomon humbly asked for a discerning heart to govern Israelites and to distinguish between right and wrong. God was pleased that Solomon had asked for Godly wisdom rather than a long life, wealth for himself, or death of his enemies. God gave Solomon not only a wise and discerning heart but also wealth and honor that he did not ask for.

Our God is faithful and merciful, He gives what Solomon has asked and even more than that. Godly wisdom is important for lives, without it we can't distinguish right or wrong. Solomon encouraged us to seek it from God in Proverbs verses. NIV Proverbs 2:8 "For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones." gave us additional comfort in pursuing Godly wisdom. When we act in accordance with God's will-with righteous, good faith and justice, God will protect us from all dangers. 

Lord, thank you for giving us the courage to walk in your ways. Give us Godly wisdom so that we can act in just and faith. Amen. 

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