Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Store treasures in Heaven!

NIV Luke 10:20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. 

People strived hard to store treasures on the earth, they tried hard to earn money, climbed up the social ladder and gained fulfillment from luxury life. But Doctor Luke reminded us in NIV Luke 10:20 "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Being a Christian, we should not be satisfied with the earthly establishment but work for the treasures in heaven.

How to store treasures in heaven? Well, we need to learn how to love first. God loves us so much that He sent His only son to sacrifice for our sins, we need to learn how to love others like ourselves and then spread God's love all over the world to bring people back to Him. Another important thing is everyone may have different callings from God, so we will need to obey and complete our purpose of life before finishing this life on the earth.

Lord, thank you for your unfading love on us. Help us to store treasures in heaven instead of on the earth. Guide us when we have led astray and deliver us from temptation. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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