Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Do not tell lies!

NIV Exodus 20:16 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Have you ever lied to others? If you did, how often do you do it? White lies and lies of convenience are prevailing examples of daily “lies”. Sometimes we are just not strong enough to admit our fault and sometimes we think the truth is too hard for others to digest.

But in all cases, God commanded us not to lie. It is written on NIV Exodus 20:16 "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." James taught us to control our tongue and be careful about what we say to others coz it can either build somebody up or strike them down. If we are gossiping about others, it is easy for us to exaggerate the actions one person takes to gain our audience's interest and empathy. But God said it clearly that we should not give false testimony against others!

Lord, thank you for your wisdom on guidance on how to live our life. Help us to control our tongue and strength our hearts to speak the truth. Amen!

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