Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fear God and nothing else!

NIV Exodus 1:21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.

When it comes to making life and death decisions, will we insist on following God's words? There are numerous verses in the Bible telling us what did people do in the past. Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit and sins start to pass from one generation to the next. Even the faithful man Abram made a mistake to sin against God and bore a son with Hagar. Abram and Sarai failed to wait for God's promised blessing on having a son and numerous descendants from God.

Indeed, God loves to see people who have faith in Him. NIV Exodus 1:21 "And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own." The midwives risked their lives to save others, they chose to follow God rather than human. God rewarded their faithfulness by giving them families of their own.

Father, thank you for honoring the people who have faith in you. There are lots of encouraging stories written in the Bible telling us you are the faithful God that your promise will never fail. Help us have a strengthened faith in you so that we can glorify your name. Amen!

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