Thursday, June 18, 2020

Be putting the first priority to God

NIV Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

What is the most important thing to do on each day? Will you put God's stuff as your first priority? Or you will do all the things you think they are urgent and set aside God's stuff at last? Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Well, I can say, many of us will say God is in our heart, we can talk to Him at any time and place if we want. But one thing is very important, if we don't put God as our first priority, we belong to the world and not God.

I have developed a habit of reading God's gospel every morning since 2014, I found my life changed from using my own ability and wisdom to determine what should I do everyday to pray to God and ask Him what should be my first priority of life. When I read the gospel, I can feel that God is talking to me through His words. Believe it or no, God is a living God. He is watching us all the time, even though we can't see Him physically, He is at work for us behind the scene.

Lord, thank you for letting us know you should be our first priority in life. Guide and lead us each day so that we can work for your best to preach your gospel. Deliver us from the temptation from the evil and walk in your path. Amen!

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