Thursday, June 25, 2020

Repent to God now!

NIV Ezekiel 18:30b Repent! Turn away from all your offenses , then sin will not be you downfall.

Have you ever thought that when you do something wrong, God will punish you hardly and so you are afraid of facing God for His forgiveness? Well, God is good all the time, He loves us so much and sent His son Jesus Christ to the world to die for our sin! How amazing God's grace is!

In Ezekiel 18:30b "Repent! Turn away from all your offenses , then sin will not be you downfall."  Don't be shy to turn to God right after realizing your sin, repent to Him quickly and commit you have offended God! He will forgive us but remember don't sin again! Refrain from sinning against God repeatedly and this can help us to grow our Spirit maturity.

Our heavenly father, thank you for forgiving our sins. Strengthen our faith in you so that we can resist the temptation to sin against you in the world. In His name, Amen!

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