Friday, June 26, 2020

Act on our faith in God.

NIV James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

James 2:17 tells us "Faith without act is dead", but how many of us can 100% walk the talk, and not to talk the talk and walk the walk? The answer is no one except Jesus can! Just think about that if God only honor 50% of His promise to us, how will the world be? So we should learn to act on our faith.

When we say "believe in God", but we never pray to Him or we go to other idols for help when we are in need. Then it is merely a talk, not a belief. If we promise God not to sin against Him, do try our 
best to keep our promise! If we fail, do repent to Him immediately!

Father in heaven, thank you for sending Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Father, we love you and give us strength in faith, to act on the faith, walk the talk. Walk with us everyday so that we can have peace in you. Amen!

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