Monday, June 22, 2020

Be careful of evil's scam!

NIV Proverbs 6:28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?

Evil loves to deceive us by telling us sinning against God is Ok coz we are God's children, He will forgive us all the time. But Solomon told us in Proverbs 6:28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? Some people can walk on the burning coal without getting hurt, but these are all tricks played on controlled conditions. We can't put ourselves in tempting situation without getting hurt! 

Just like King David, he watched Bathsheba bathing on her roof, he should not keep his eyes on a naked woman which is not his wife, but he still does it! And even worse he inquired about her and slept with her, after he knew she was pregnant, he sent Uriah to death. Obviously, no one can say David can walked on the burning coal without his feet being scorched! He committed Adultery and God punished him later on. So brothers and sisters, don't be deceived by evils' tricks!

Father in heaven, thank you for letting us know King David's story on adultery and his repentance to you later on. Deliver us from sinning you today and give us stronger faith in you so that we will not fall into devil's scam! Amen!

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