Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance!

NIV Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

I am sure Jude 1:2 "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" would be strange to us as it is a general greeting at churches and prayers. In this world, we can be nervous on many things eg. late for work, fear to meet new people, talk in front of a crowd and etc. Most of the time, we should come to God and pray for a relief in different situations. By God's mercy, He will give us innermost peace and also His love will bring us "home"- heaven when we die.

Peace in our heart and soul is very important, without it we will buzz around and ask for guidance and opinions from others all the time. With peace, we can hear from Holy Spirit in us and listen to His instruction. If we know God love us, we won't go to idols in the world and we will not lose hope.

Lord, thank you for your mercy on us. Give us peace and love, so that we can enjoy every moment with you and know what should we put our priority to. We prayed in your name, Amen!

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