Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Suffer for God and receive from Him!

NIV 2 Chronicles 25:9 Amaziah asked the man of God, But what about the hundred talents I paid for these Israelite troops? The man of God replied, The Lord can give you much more than that.

Are you willing to suffer for following God's instruction? We all know that God is good to us all the time, but when it comes to suffering, I think many of us may have struggles. Just like the 1/10 dedication, some people said it is too much, they only focused on their own treasure-money, but they missed the wonderful part-Lord can give us much more than that to repay us.

2 Chronicles 25:9 Amaziah asked the man of God, But what about the hundred talents I paid for these Israelite troops? The man of God replied, The Lord can give you much more than that. Amaziah spent money to hire the troops, but God told him to dismiss the team coz they are not God's people. Amaziah put his eyes on the money spent, but God said He can give him much more than that! Trust in God and give our treasure to Him and we will receive the things more than that.

Father, thank you for granting us the ability to give. Soften our heart so that we can follow your instruction even though we will suffer from it. May your peace be with us all the time so that we can hear from you. We prayed in your son's Holy name, Amen!

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