Friday, October 16, 2020

To bear disciples of Jesus' marks by loving one another.

NIV John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

The Apostle Paul said in NIV 2 Corinthians 2:15 "For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." Do you have the aroma of Christ? How can others distinguish us from the crowd? Jesus said in NIV John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." We have special marks from God when we love each other.

Among faith, love and hope, love is the greatest. We can love our family and friends easily, but it is hard to show our love to the strangers and someone who upsets us. But if we can act on faith and love everyone in the world, we are the "real" disciples of Christ!

Father, thank you for your grace on us. You first love us then we learn how to love. Help us to love our neighbors like ourselves and preach your Gospel to the one needed. We prayed in Jesus' name, Amen!

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