Monday, October 5, 2020

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost!


NIV Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Today, we will look at the story of the rich chief tax-collector Zacchaeus. We will see what is the live example of the Parable of Wandering Sheep- NIV Luke 19:10 "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Even though Zacchaeus has power, money and status, he is not welcomed by the citizens in Jericho. He is rich but money can't help him grow in heigh again. When he knows Jesus is around, he wants to see who Jesus is and tries hard to do it.

Jesus knows all about it and picks Zacchaeus up by telling him to come down immediately to prevent Zacchaeus from falling off the tree and getting hurt. Despite the negative voice of all the people seeing the scene, Jesus becomes the guest of Zacchaeus. And so the lost sheep is now saved by Jesus. 

Father, thank you for your caring and patience on us when we are still sinners on the earth. We know that you want to seek those who are wandering in the world, help us to reach out to those who have not known you yet and preach your Gospel to them so that they can have chance to know you more. We prayed in Jesus' Holy name, Amen. 

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