Friday, October 9, 2020

Jesus is the greatest doctor!

NIV Psalm 107:20 He sent out His word and healed them, He rescued them from the grave. 

When we are sick, we have been taught to see a doctor and taken the prescribed medicine since we were small. But what if the medicine does not work? Or you suffer from relapses again and again? Will you turn to God and pray for His healings? Indeed, Jesus is the greatest doctor. Like what has been said in NIV Psalm 107:20 "He sent out His word and healed them, He rescued them from the grave."

Sometimes the healing will happen immediately, but sometimes it will appear after a while. Healing can mean physical recovery or mental change! We are one of God's creations, we can't control everything. God told us to be still and know that He is God! He is the creator of the world, He can create or destroy anything if He wants. But He is a merciful and faithful God, He has His plan for everyone to prosper their life.

Father, thank you for your prosperous plan on us. Even though we are suffering from illness today, we trust that you are the Almighty God that can heal us and provide peace to us. Amen!

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