Saturday, October 17, 2020

God will refresh the weary!

NIV Jeremiah 31:25 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.

Sometimes when we follow our daily routine, we may feel bored. And the boredom may dry up our spirit and creativity. Indeed, our Father in Heaven is a creative one, He made stars, sun and moon in the sky and let different kinds of species live on the earth. When we have burnt out in our lives, don't be afraid to turn back to God and enjoy His words. 

NIV Jeremiah 31:25 "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.", God promised to fulfill our needs. Try to spend more time walking with God every day can help us to build a closer relationship with Him. Reading the bible, joining cell group discussion, praying to God, listening to sermons and personal quiet time is something we can do to walk with God. 

Lord, thank you for replenishing our heart and soul. Help us to walk with you second by second so that we won't be led astray. In your son's Holy name, Amen!

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