Friday, October 2, 2020

Set your minds on things above!

NIV Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Having said that men were created by dust at the beginning and we will finish in dust and ash after we die. We brought nothing with us when we were born and the same applies to our death. All the material things we pursue in our life can't accompany us when we ascend to Heaven. Therefore, Paul said in NIV Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

How we spend our time can reflect what we value most. If we spend enough time to study God's words and participate in the church community, we will know God more and grow in faith. But if we put our efforts on earthly stuffs eg. career advancement, leisure, and enjoyment, and worrying for the future. Those stuffs will become the masters of our life and we will lead astray easily. Doing well for ourselves is not wrong, coz we are representative of God on earth, but we need to be aware of the focus of our life, we should live with eternity in mind.

Lord, thank you for giving us the freedom to live life. Help us to live with eternity in mind through the Holy Spirit's reminders during our lives. Guide and lead us to have better time management so that we can concentrate on you instead of earthly stuff. Amen!

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