Friday, October 23, 2020

A thousand years in God's sight are like a day!


NIV Psalm 90:4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

In the book of Genesis chapter 1, Moses told us the definition of a day: there was evening, and there was morning. When I was small, I hated going to school and so I prayed hard for the time to pass faster. But when I grew up, I thought I did not have enough time in a day to finish up all the tasks and so I prayed to God to give me more time in a day to complete my tasks. I have given the length of a day different meanings at a different stage of life. 

Nothing is meaningful or valuable unless we give them meaning. Due to our human nature, we do not enjoy waiting. We always can't resist evil's temptation when we don't see things happen immediately. But we can always make our waiting shorter and more meaningful through faith and obedience. God's faithful servant Moses told us in NIV Psalm 90:4 " A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the light." God created the world and protected all the living things from the beginning to the eternality. In His sight, a thousand years are like a day even though we think it is a very long period. Waiting patiently is a must to complete God's plan for us. 

Father, thank you for your patience with us. We know that your time is not our time, help us to obey your command and wait for your plan to complete patiently. Be still and know that you are God, we aren't. In your son's victorious name, Amen!

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