Sunday, October 11, 2020

God as our first place in life!

NIV Haggai 1:7 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.

Having said that: It takes courage to live. We may not have a strong feeling of it when we are not suffering from illness, pain or frustration in life. If we lose focus on God, our lives will become imbalanced. Evil will use worry, anxiety and temptation to lead us sin against God and send us away from God's blessings. Haggai reminds us to focus on the ultimate goal and return to God. 

He said in NIV Haggai 1:7 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.", as a leader in Haggai's era, Haggai called for people's attention and asked them to return to God and focus on their original goals. They should be cautious to their behaviors and correct their priority of life: Rebuild Lord's house but not their own. Because of the wrong consequence of life, people suffer from working hard but receiving fruitless rewards.  

Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching us to seek first before asking. Help us to regard you as the first place in our life so that we can walk in your way and enjoy the fruitful blessings you have prepared for us. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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