Friday, December 25, 2020

My soul glorifies the Lord!

NIV Luke 1:46 And Mary said" "My soul glorifies the Lord"

Merry Christmas, everyone! Today we will look at how Mary responded to God's blessing on her to bear Jesus Christ before marrying Joseph. When Mary visited Elizabeth in Judea, she sang a song. NIV Luke 1:46 And Mary said" "My soul glorifies the Lord" She focused on God would fulfill His promises to her instead of worrying about her situation.

We should all learn from Mary that no matter how good or bad our situation is, we need to fix our eyes on God and not worry about the obstacles in front of us. God declares to us that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus into the world. Help us fix our eyes on you so that our souls glorify you. We are weak and vulnerable to evil's attack, strengthen our hearts and faith in you so we can resist temptation. We prayed in Jesus' wonderful name, Amen!

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