Sunday, May 31, 2020

Being faithful to God's abundant providence!

NIV James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Do you have a firm foundation to trust that God has abundant and unlimited providence for us? In this "Time is money" era, we want things to happen instantly. Therefore, we have instant noodles, smart phone and e-payment channel etc. to help us save some times every day. The longer we wait for our prayer to come true, the more chance for us to give it up. Some people will go to seek other helps instead. And James told us that we should not be deceived by this world, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

As Christians, we should know God's characters-Faithful, He never forsakes us and His promise never fails. His love to us will not change over time! And the best thing is He has prepared abundant providence to us. We should not shift to left or right easily when our prayer is not fulfilled on our expected time. Try to ask God what is the lessons to learn or what should we pray for instead of asking for the current prayer again and again. Our living God will answer us through His words, sometimes through the sermons we hear, sometimes through our friends and somethings through the Holy Spirit inside us.

Father in heaven, thanks for continuing providence of good stuffs in our lives. Please let us have patience and persistence in prayers for the things that come from your will. We know you are good to us all the time, may you bless us to have strong faith in you and you will walk with us everyday. In His name, Amen!

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