Friday, May 29, 2020

Be wise!

NIV Matthew 7:24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus told us a story of The Wise and Foolish Builders. Someone built a house on sand and the other one built the house on rock, when the rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against the house, only the house had its foundation on the rock did not fall.

On what foundation we have built our relationship with God? Have we merely read the bible in the morning everyday but not put what we have learnt from the scriptures into practice? Are we claiming ourselves Christians but do not act or think as Jesus Christ? How can we make sure we follow through God's words? I think Holy Spirit in our heart does a great job in reminding us not to sin against God from time to time, so don't ignore Holy Spirit's little voice and ask God to help us notice that and take appropriate actions!

Follow and obey Jesus is a wise choice, when the attacks come, we will be protected by Him and our strong faith in Him can save us from the storm of worrying, anxious and self-blaming. If we trust in Him with our heart, we will know what is the Truth. Practice makes perfect, when we put God's words into action, we will grow in faith and spiritual maturity: Build our house on the rock!

Lord, thanks for letting us to come to you again today. Blessed be your name! Let us seek your Kingdom first, learn and act in the way Jesus did on the earth. Father, may you be with us all the time, strength our faith in you so that our foundation is built on the rock not on sand. Protect us from whatever situation we are facing now, save us from the pain and sorrow and lead us to your promised land. We pray in Jesus' Holy name. Amen!

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