Sunday, May 24, 2020

Be nice to your bodies!

1 Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own"

As a Christian, we need to be clear that our bodies are Holy places for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. We should not only be careful on what we do and what we think, but also rejecting the evil things surrounding us from influencing us.

In John 2:13-22, Jesus clears the temple courts, the Jews are selling cattle, sheep and doves and exchanging money in front of the temple courts. Jesus shouts at them and asks them to clear their stuffs, if we are surrounding with dirty words and nasty images, we are turning our Father's house into a market! It is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me." In other words, we need to be careful of the friends we have, we should avoid hanging out with evil friends and being influenced by their thoughts and acts. But do pray for them to repent to God and have a change. God won't abandon the one who comes to Him and seeks Him.

In this era, we are also surrounded by high technology and fast moving things. We can access to pornographic and gambling websites easily, we are stand firm and hold fast to God's words and not to sin against Him. Committing adultery not just means having immoral sex with others, but also means porno-graphical imagination and masturbation. Stay away from the things that can induce you to commit adultery! Ecclesiastes 5:10 reminds us that the chase of money is meaningless, money is an unnecessary evil, but we should not be tempted by gambling to earn quick money. 

1 Corinthians 6:12 told us that "I have the right to do anything," you say-but not everything is beneficial. God gives us freedom to not sin against Him, so we should obey to His words in order to thanks Him for His merciful grace on us. 

Father in heaven, we pray for a clean heart and mind in front of you. Would you cover your hands on us and protect us from sinning against you. May you forgive the known and unknown sin committed by us and help us to stay away for adultery and the temptation of craving for money. We pray that we if we seek you in genuine, we can find you and you will provide everything we need. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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